LIBELS PARTY 2K19 - Wondrous Night
Liberty or also known as Libels Party is a famous event of SMAN 15 SURABAYA which held every year to year. Especially this year, libels party 2k19 adopt theme "AETHEREALM". Comes from 3 words : aether, ethereal, and realm. That means a magnificent world beyond the sky.
Libels Party 2k19 held in Jatim Expo on friday, 15 November 2019 who successfully made visitors amazed by the guest stars that is Didi Kempot, Kahitna, and Reality Club. Else, visitors also presented by perfomance from the winners of the band competitions and some extracurricular from SMAN 15 SURABAYA.
Not only that, Libels Party 2k19 also provides food and drink stands that will keep visitors from starving. And also provides a photobooth that helps visitors capture moments of Libels Party 2k19.
After the appearance of several talents, finally guest stars began to act singing their hitz music. The third guest star is Reality Club with indie rock music that successfully made visitors enjoy the indie music. The second guest stars is Kahitna with pop music that is "Cantik", "Andai dia tahu", and many more who successfully made visitors singing along. And the first guest star is Didi Kempot with traditional music that is "Cidro" and many more, then closed with the song "Pamer bojo" which at once closed Libels Party 2k19 who successfully made visitors singing and dancing along together.
"Libels Party 2k19 very memorable from the theme, design, and guest stars who successfully made me and other visitors enjoy the perfomances with singing and dancing," said Brillian, one of the visitors Libels Party 2k19.
I hope Libels Party always successful with present guest stars that make visitors amazed from year to year ❣️✨
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