One of Libels's Event
Two days ago, on Friday 15th November 2019, Libels was hold one of exciting event. And it’s always called “LIBERTY” or “Libels Party” at Jatim Expo. Libels had 3 guess stars. There were The Reality Show, Kahitna, and Didi Kempot. People can already get in when open gate at 3 pm. And the guess stars will shows after close gate at 8 pm. Before the guess stars shows, there were many shows from libels and others. When the shows begun, we can see a lot of people watch the shows.
In liberty there were three entrance. First, Before we can get in, there were Liberty Committee that will check bag and the body a lot of people. At Liberty, we can not bring pets, snacks or water from outside, have a smoke, bring alcohol or drugs, parfume, weapons and sharp objects. Second entrance, we must show our ticket to the committee and get stample in our hand. When we already get in, we can see there are many stands that sales anything. Like a lot of foods, snacks, and waters. Also there were sales spurous nail, t-shirt and others. And there were many photobooth at second floor. We can buy some food and others there. Third entrance, we can sit or stand up and watch the shows. And that night, Liberty is so fun.
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