Beyond Our Limits
Have you ever heard about beyond our limits? Okey, i will tell you about something that relevant with it. In my school there are many extracurriculars activities that will be held after school and also at saturday. And now lets focus with 1 extracurricular. This extracurricular has something to do with singing, and that is a choir. And we have a name for it, you can call it “Libels Voice” or “Livo”.
What’s the relevant between beyond our limits and Livo? Okey, i’ll tell you. First, Livo its not just a choir, its family. In livo, its not just learn about how to sing properly, but you’ll get learn about discipline, meet new friends and know what the meaning of truly family. And we can have a good chemistry with alumnae from SMA Negri 15 whos joined in Livo before.
Livo is always in a competition, and the competition that im gonna tell is “The International Choir Festival in 2019, Libels Voice Goes To Europe” with name “Gandara Acintya”. Gandara Acintya’s have meaning from sansekerta ( Gandara is tone of voice group and Acintya is beyond anything ). Before Livo go to the competition, Livo will holding auditions for all of student and alumnae in the school at 3rd until 5th September 2018 and will choose the best of the best from the participants. After the auditions, there are 50 people got accepted into a team, and its conducted by Azik Mubarak. Livo will practice from middle of September 2018 until April 2019.
Livo practice 3 times a week ; thursday, tuesday, and saturday. And perpaps it takes 2 until 3 hours to practice in a day. Our conducted tell us to always practice and practice, because practice makes perfect, and the results never betrayed the efforts. Don’t just practising to sing, we also practise our strength and endurance. And we must controls our food, drink a lot mineral water, sleep before 10pm and don’t forget to always pray to the God. Together we tried our best and tried to beyond our limits. Also, we always giving a support to each other. Even though, during our process there were so many winds and storms, Livo still rising and shinning.
After we practised, did a competition in University of Brawijaya Malang, Indonesia, did a concert in Rumah Gadang. Its time to Livo to go to the 17th Budapest International Choir Festival at 9 April 2019. The competition was held from 14th until 17th April 2019 in Hungary, Budapest. We are so very gratefully because we got 1st Winner in Folklore Category, 2nd Winner in Mixed Youth Category, 3rd Winner in Equal Voice Catagory, and the last is Grand Championship Finalist.
Don’t forget to check Livo’s Instagram, line, and youtube channel for more informations.
—The more insults, the more higher Livo’s Flag will be✨
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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan
good, follback
Thx ^^
Woww nicee
Woww nice
Laaaa lalalalalalalaaaaaaa~~~ Nice one
Livo is amazing
^_^ Awesome
Missin budapest so muchh
hmm ;(
Wonderful thing. Great.. Don't forget to read my article too and leave your opinion on it
thank u! ^^
Spechlessss ❤❤❤ this is amazing
Yeyyy!! Thxx❤️
Good job
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Thxx till!!
Thank u!! ^^
Thank u!! ^^
Good job
Yeyy thxx
Yeyy thxx
Livo livo livo ah,you die great silcieee
Yeyy thank u!
Luv uu
YEYy thx
Woww greatt
So interest!
Bau apa ini... hmm
So amazing, don't forget to follow and comment back my article
So amazing, don't forget to follow and comment back my article
That's so amazing!!
Miss Budapest :(