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Kahitna on Liberty
Kahitna on the stage

Kahitna on Liberty

Friday 15 November 2019, the day the most awaited by all fans of the party libels, especially residents of SMA Negeri 15 Surabaya. The event that was held at jatim expo was quite inviting because it invited famous artists and bands namely Reality club, Kahitna and Didi Kempot.

Kahitna itself is a music group from Bandung which was formed on June 24, 1986. Music group consisting of Yovie Widianto, Bambang Purwono, Hedi Yunus, Carlo Saba, Mario Ginanjar, Dody Isniani, Andrie Bayuadjie, Budiana Nugraha and Harry Sudirman. Kahitna succeeded in making the audience fascinated with their appearance. With a duration of approximately one hour, Kahitna entertained the audience by singing cinta sendiri, cerita cinta and many other songs. the audience was made hysterical because kahitna invited one of the VIP spectators to go on stage to sing with them.

After successfully making the audience hysterical, Kahitna excused himself to resign to all viewers who were present at the Liberty event. To conclude their performance, Kahitna performed the last song titled "cantik."

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