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Liberty 2k19
November 15, 2019

Liberty 2k19

Liberty (Libels Party) is an annual event organized by SMAN 15 Surabaya. This event is usually held in a certain place by presenting guest stars and has a different theme every year. For this year Liberty was held at JX International Convention Exhibition with three guest stars which are Reality Club, Kahitna and Didi Kempot, the event was themed Aetherealm.

Liberty is not only attended by students of SMAN 15 Surabaya because this event is for public, so anyone can attend the event, ranging from children to adults. Inside the venue there is a food festival and Sunday market that visitors can visit if they feel hungry or want to buy something.

Visitors can also enjoy several photobooth facilities.

The event opened with the appearance of several extracurricular SMAN 15 Surabaya and continued with the appearance of a band that had won the competition held before Liberty. The event took place very lively, the visitors were seen singing with enthusiasm when the guest stars brought their respective songs.

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18 Nov


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