A Long Way
Corridor is one of the student’s favorite place when they get bored other than canteen.
Many students pass the corridor during the break and when the school is over, Because for those who have class in the front of the school, have to pass this corridor to go to the canteen, and those who have class in the back have to pass this corridor to go to the school gate.
Sometimes there are classes that study in the corridor, if they get bored with their class atmosphere. Many students like to spend a long time in this place because the atmosphere is comfortable, the wind is fast, and the floor is cold.
When the second break, usually some classes make Stan Bazar in libels’s corridor because it’s a strategic place and often passed by students. Besides, when OSIS MPK SMAN 15 Surabaya held an event to celebrate Independence day, school corridors often used for some competition. For example, e-sport, and many others.
After school hours ended, school corridor often used by students as a place to chit chat with their friends, while waiting for a picked up by looking at the basketball field and football field.
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Nice place
a lonely road~
So good
favorite place
So amazing! Good job!
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