Novi Rahmawati Libels

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The increase number of trash can in Libels

The increase number of trash can in Libels

SMAN 15, 30 September 2019, it seems like, soon SMAN 15 Surabaya will turn into an adiwiyata school. This statement is proven by principal's efforts lately. One of them is the addition of trash can that exist in SMAN 15 Surabaya. If initially we can only find a trash can at the class room area, right now we can find it almost everywhere, especially at corridor.

This step is taken to reduce the number of landfill in SMAN 15 Surabaya. From now on, students can't make any excuse for littering or being lazy to throw the garbage to it's place, because we just need to turn our head to the side and like what i said before, we can gind a big amount of trash can everywhere. h

This decision is also nicely welcomed by students. "It's a very good decisionbecause if trash can only exist at the class room area, it will be overloaded and stinks. So this addition will reduce the number of trash in the class so that it will not be a landfill in the class. I also hope, in the future not only students, buat all of the people in SMAN 15 Surabaya will realize that trash can is not only a display for the show, but something to discipline ourself. From now on trash can is everywhere so we have to put our trash to it. So that cleanliness can be maintained." said Syafira when I ask her about this matter.

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Follback comment back novv

03 Oct

Hope that it can be the solution for flood :(( Don't forget to follow back my account and read my article too. Also give your comment about it :v

01 Oct

I don't think so, but let's hope for the best

07 Oct

Like it

01 Oct

Love yours too

07 Oct


01 Oct

What a way to comment, but thank you :)

07 Oct

Good job nov!

30 Sep

thank you fi :)

07 Oct

Waw wew wow

30 Sep

thank you :)

07 Oct

Sounds Great!

30 Sep

thank you

07 Oct


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