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Three Famous Guest Stars Enliven Liberty 2K19

Three Famous Guest Stars Enliven Liberty 2K19

On Friday (11/15), JX International Surabaya or commonly called East Java Expo was crowded with hundreds or even thousands of people. None other than to watch a concert organized by one of the favorite schools in Surabaya, namely SMAN 15 Surabaya or Libels.

This year's concert will take the theme 'Aetherealm' . ‘Aetherealm’ comes from 3 words; aether, ethereal, and realm. That means a magnificent world beyond the sky. From this theme, the atmosphere of JX International was changed to an atmosphere with an imagination theme. For example, in the left section of the stage, there are paintings from the class competition with the theme Aetherealm.

Liberty 2K19 was enlivened by 3 guest stars, namely Reality Club, Kahitna, and Didi Kempot. The three guest stars are musicians / bands that are quite well known in Indonesia so that Liberty 2K19 tickets are selling very well.

"I look forward to the appearance of Kahitna. Because I am a soulmate (fanbase Kahitna)” said Nidya, one of the students of SMAN 15 Surabaya. The enthusiasm of non-libels was no less high, so that many came at the event.

The most crowded situation was at the end of the event, when the last guest star, Didi Kempot started to get on stage. The noise from the audience waiting for Didi Kempot began to break. Shouts of Sobat Ambyar, as fans of Didi Kempot began to sing the song Cidro. And the atmosphere of JX International Surabaya has changed from pop music to dangdut music.

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So amazing, don't forget to follback and read my article. Thank you:)

18 Nov


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