The peace keeper
in addition to greened and beautiful school,15 senior high school is also well known as a safe school there isn't theft ever happened here,because there are security who always on guard according to their night this security always patroling around the school to ensure conditions that will always safe. The function of security is also discipline students by forbidding those students who want to leave school whent it's not time to go home or those who haven't received permission from counseling guidance (BK) ,security os also keep the environment clean by cleaning the front field,although the security firm in carrying their dutties, they are also people who are friendly to students so they are easy to blend in with students. After reading the many tasks of a security we can help them by obeying school rules besides helping teacher and security and you get used to living a disciplined life
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So amazing
I like your article
Good to know, follow back for more school information!
Yeah u right bud i do this in a few time
knock knock, the guest of honor has arrived, he likes your article. That's all. Four out of five. typo spotted. work on it my friend