The adroit magic behind Kobasis
It was a hot day, with the sun shining directly overhead and the clocks were striking twelve. As the recess bell rang, students of Libels Highschool rushed towards Kobasis (School Cooperative) to buy foods and drinks to relieve thirsts and stress. A rare sight indeed, as Kobasis used to be rather tranquil and quiet. However, since the new academic year starts, several changes were made to Kobasis that caused it to become one of the most visited places during break time.
Kobasis is a place in Libels that sell a variety of things from foods, drinks, stationaries, papers, etc. Kobasis also accept photocopying services. Kobasis is very important to fulfill students' needs. It is a multifunctional place that supports other places such as the canteen. However, unlike the school canteen, the foods and drinks in Kobasis are always updated every day through Line app. Therefore, students are always well informed about the foods and drinks that are stocked and ready for sale.
There were two new kinds of food that were introduced this year which piqued the interest of the majority of Libels students. The first was Mochi ice cream, which was sold out before the second break. A lot of students start to come to Kobasis to hunt for these sweet and round ice cream dessert. Since then, the supply of mochi was augmented to equalize the demand. The second food was meatball tofu (tahu bakso), this food was so favored by students that the stock was always sold out by the time Kobasis opened.
Apart from the food, Kobasis is also a great choice for students because it accepts both paper money and real money. Therefore, students don't need to bother to exchange their money on TU. "I always get a joyful vibe when I walk towards Kobasis, it's hard to say it in words, but it feels like Kobasis is calling to me to come by. Sometimes I find it difficult to choose from all the foods and I just want to buy everything. It has become an important part of my school life," said Farhan, one of Kobasis' daily visitor.
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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan
good, follback
Done, thank you
Somehow I the meatball tofu always sold out and I cant really buy them... so sad
ice cream and mochi, they're my favourites!!
We're on the same boat
meatball tofu for lyf!!!
So amazing, don't forget to follback me
Nicee :))
Nicee :))
avengers assemble
Irrelevant but thank you for the comment
Stop it, get some help
My fovorite place
Tehu bekso
Omg wowww
why do i?
Because you do
ayo follow!!
knock knock, the guest of honor has arrived, he likes your article. That's all. Five out of five. keep it up! Treat me something won't ya?
Thanks for the review. I've followed you back. Until Next Time!
I have a pen because kobhasis
Wow, good to know that it helps you with school activities
This is by far the best article
Thank you so much. You flatter me
i got supplies
This is not a game
Kobasis is the best
I have no objection
lol i can relate to farhan
Yeah, me too
nice! guys dont forget to follow, comment and check my article!!
Great article! Would you please follback? and Please check mine too, and kindly leave a comment. Thanks!✨
uwow emezing
Thank you, nice spellings you got there