Nayo Libels

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Calm before the Storm

Calm before the Storm

November 15, 2019

Surabaya, East Java - SMAN 15 Surabaya, one of the best senior high schools in Surabaya, conducts one of its annual event called Liberty. Liberty consists of a series of concerts that feature renowned artists from Indonesia. This year, the event organizer invited Didi Kempot, Kahitna, and Reality Club to enliven Libels party. Liberty is not only limited to students of SMAN 15, but it is open for the public. The event is held inside the international hall of Jatim Expo. The purpose of conducting Liberty is to relieve and lighten up all the students and teachers from their work.

Each year, liberty has a different theme that entices and attracts people's attention. The theme for this year is called Aetherealm, a nice example of a portmanteau, which mixes the word 'Ethereal' and 'Realm'. So, the theme 'Aetherealm' can be defined as an area or a domain in which everything is extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world. Posters of Liberty and the condition of the hall are made to resemble the theme.

To join Liberty, participants must buy tickets first from official authorities that cost 150K. Then, participants can get inside the building by showing the ticket to the authorized party. The ticket itself is well-designed and informative. Printed on it is the time of the event, the place of the event, as well as ethereal realm background that makes it fancy.

Inside Jatim Expo, guests are welcomed with lots of food and drink bazaars. Therefore, they can enjoy the concert while also filling their stomachs. The concert started at 9 PM and finished at around 1 AM the next day (Saturday). Reality Club started the event with their signature songs, followed by Kahitna, and then Didi Kempot sums it all up. The audience was really satisfied with this year's Liberty because the songs managed to reach into their hearts.

Liberty has a lot of positive impact on audience psychology because it ultimately entertains and relieves stress. It is an undeniable fact that everyone faces stress and difficulties in their lives. In fact, two weeks after Liberty, students will face final semester exams. Consequently, students won't have free time left in the future. Therefore, Liberty is probably one of the last entertainments they will experience before facing the exams. A lot of students love the idea of Libels party as it helps clear their mind and push forward for their future. "It was really crowded and all, but magical things happened and everyone is enchanted to the new dimension", said Farhan, one of the audiences and senior students of SMAN 15 Surabaya. Overall, audiences are happy with the event and can't wait for Liberty next year.

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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan


So amazing, don't forget to follback and comment my article. Thank you

18 Nov

you're great!

19 Nov

Where are you nayo

17 Nov

mana foto acaranya?

17 Nov

I am hereby really sorry for the inconvenience as I did not participate in the event

17 Nov


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