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Beautiful Small Garden In Libels
Go Green in Libels

Beautiful Small Garden In Libels

SMAN 15 Surabaya or commonly called Libels has a small garden located in next to the "Pendopo" Is it just next to the Pendopo? Actually there are still many small gardens in Libels
You could say this garden can attract people's attention. Why? Because in the garden there are various types of beautiful plants. "Already green and beautiful, the cleanliness of the garden is good and have a various types of beautiful plants" said Alumni of Libels My school garden is also fresh because ussually the gardener watering the plants every day.
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So amazing, don't forget to follow and comment back my article

03 Oct

Great article!

02 Oct

Great article! Would you please follback? and Please check mine too, and kindly leave a comment. Thanks!✨

02 Oct

Beautiful garden

06 Oct

Very useful

01 Oct

Very useful

01 Oct


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