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Singing And Dancing at Liberty 2K19

Singing And Dancing at Liberty 2K19

Friday 15 November 2019 was a very pleasant day for the residents of SMAN 15 Surabaya and a number of other people, because on Friday yesterday SMAN 15 Surabaya had successfully created an art performance called liberty which is an annual event held by SMAN 15 Surabaya.

Liberty this year was held at the East Jatim International Expo Convention Exhibition and the event was enlivened by a variety of performances that had been prepared starting from extracurricular at SMAN 15 Surabaya, the winner of the band competition, and also enlivened by famous Indonesian artists namely the reality club, Kahitna, and also enlivened Didi Kempot. And there are also many booths selling good food and drinks.

The first guest to appear was the reality club which is an indie rock music group that has a vocalist named Fathia izzati. One of the songs sung was "Alexandra", which was able to invite the audience to sing along with them.

And the next guest star is kahitna, in the middle of their appearance interacting with the audience and inviting one of the audience to go on stage to sing along with them. And there was one of the viewers who gave them a bouquet of flowers.

The last performance was Didi kempot, the song he sang was of Campursari type. He has fans who are usually called "Sobat Ambyar", when he sang the audience really enjoyed the songs he brought by singing and dancing together.

Liberty 2k19 was accepted by many people and can be seen from the many people who came to watch the event held by SMAN 15 Surabaya. Hopefully Liberty next year can be as vibrant and exciting as this year. See you at Liberty 2k20.

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