Welcome Party Libels Voice 2k19
Libels Voice as an extracurricular at SMAN 15 Surabaya always has a routine agenda every year. One such agenda is the Welcome Party, an annual Libels Voice concert event to welcome new students who have just entered Libels Voice and SMAN 15 Surabaya
At this year's concert which was held on August 24, 2019, Libels Voice took the theme of "Lintang Khatulistiwa" which means that our country Indonesia is rich in various ethnic, religious, racial, and cultural especially related to the diversity of the archipelago songs. There are 10 songs from various regions in Indonesia that were presented at this year's concert. One example is Ahtoi Porosh from Central Kalimantan. In addition to the songs that were sung themed the archipelago the singers also wore traditional clothes from various regions in Indonesia which made the nuances of cultural diversity in Indonesia.
Lia, one of the singers in the 2019 Welpar team, the Welcome Party's agenda had a very positive impact on both the singer and new students who had just joined. "I am happy to be in this team even though at first the training felt heavy and tiring but for a long time we were able to understand the essence of the struggle, that to be able to perform well is not instant, everything needs a process. Being in a team also makes us more familiar with how we can do music well and can also learn about discipline, solidarity, getting to know each other, and many more positive things that can be taken ". She hoped that in the future the Welcome Party next year could be better than before, more exciting, and could make the new students who just entered more interested again to join.
This year's Welcome Party is also the last concert of 12th grade students who have been in the Libels Voice team for 3 years, making the concert feel touching, feeling sad and happy to be one, but we must be able to accept it because nothing is eternal in this world. Finally, this Welcome Party this year is very exciting, hopefully next year will be even better and more and more students are joining.
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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan
good, follback
What an article!!
Mambu opo iki
Mambu opo iki
Veryyy good
I like the moments when Livo starts singing Don't forget to follow back my account :v
Thank you
Hmmm... The smell is good!
Hmmm... The smell is good!
Good job
Like it
lovely memorys
Will missed it :)
Woww good job!
Thank you
Wonderful Indonesia,good job Livo
Wonderful Indonesia,good job Livo
love Indonesia hehe
Yes ofc :D
Not bad
Not bad
Wow, great!
Woww nicee
Mambu opo iki
Smell soo goood!!
naise, follback gan
Great! Follback and comment
Wow, beautiful!
Thank youu
Thank you
love it
Thank you