Natanael Bhaskara Libels

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Liberty 2k19 was Lit!!

Liberty 2k19 was Lit!!

Liberty 2019 or commonly called Libels Party 2019 is an annual event that is held routinely by students of SMAN 15 Surabaya. This year Liberty 2019 was held at JX International Covention Hall on November 15, 2019 and carried the theme "Aetherealm" which means "a magnificient world beyond the sky ”. Reality Club, Kahitna, and Didi Kempot who became the guest star this year succeeded in making audiences from various ages enter the Aetherealm atmosphere that they wanted to give to the audience. Soulmate (nickname for fans from Kahitna) and Sobat Ambyar (nickname for Didi Kempot fans) made this event even more festive. The audience sang along and peaked when Lord Didi called fans for Didi Kempot, went on stage and made all JX sing along and dance together. This year JX International Hall was filled with spectators and made Liberty this year one of the most successful Liberty. Besides that, various kinds of foodfest, sunday market, and photobooth make the viewers more pampered and will certainly make the audience feel memorable and come to Liberty the following year.

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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan


It looks very fun Come and read my article too and give your comment on it :))

17 Nov


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