Memorable Night of Liberty 2K19
On Friday evening November 15, 2019, a thousands of people began to throng the JX International Convention Exhibition . They came to see Liberty (Libels Party) 2019 which is an annual event at SMAN 15 Surabaya held. This year's Liberty carries the theme of aetherealm. And Liberty 2K19 open gate at 15:00 and close gate 20:00.
The first event began with a band competition. Furthermore, the student of SMAN 15 Surabaya show their extracurricular. There are karawitan, saman, anabel, and another. After the display of them, the announcement of the winner of the band competition.
Not long after, the appearance of the first guest star appeared, the reality club. The band consists of Fathia Izzati Nugi Wicaksono, Iqbal Anggakusumah, Era Patigo, Faiz Novascotia Saripudin performed their songs with excitement.
Then the second guest star is kahitna. The group, consisting of members, successfully brought sweet love songs. Especially when they invited 1 women to join in singing on stage. And they ended the performance by singing their song "Cantik"
And at the end of the event, the Didi kempot show made Surabaya residents that 'ambyar'. Didi kempot brought songs such as cidro, banyu langit, pamer bojo and others succeeded in making the audience sing and dance happily together. Late at night does not prevent ambyar friends from enjoying the excitement that night.
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