Libels Cup, The Best Sports Party of The Year
On Saturday 27 April 2019, DBL Arena Surabaya was enlivened by the closing party of the Libels Cup 2019 held by SMAN 15 Surabaya. Libels Cup is an annual event held by SMAN 15 Surabaya with many competitions that many high school and junior high school around the area participated in. On the closing night, it's time for the final of the men's, women's high school and men's junior high school basketball competition, modern dance competitions, prize distribution for winners and attractive appearance from the guest star, Yowisben.
Yowisben is the main guest star that performed on the closing party of Libels Cup 2019. Yowis Ben is a band from the movie consisting of Bayu Skak, Joshua Suherman, Tutus Thomson and Brandon Salim.
After the distribution of prizes to the winners, the awaited event arrived. Lights began to turn off and a lamp highlighted Yowisben's entry into the field, starting from Tutus, Joshua, Bayu and then Brandon Salim. Thousands of spectators welcomed them hysterically. They started the performance by singing the song 'Mangan Pecel' followed by songs from their hits such as 'Gandolane Ati' 'Gai iso turu', 'Ojo bolos pelajaran' .
The display was even more slick when Brandon asks the audience to turn on their phone's flashlight. "It's an honor to be invited to the Libels Cup, this is the first time for Yowisben to perform and become a real band in real life, the concert at DBL Arena makes a goosebumps when we see the enthusiasm of friends who come in the libels cup. It's an amazing experience" wrote Tutus Thomson on his youtube channel.
Eviana, one of the thousands of visitors who watched Closing Party Libels Cup 2k19 claimed to be satisfied with the concept. She was carried away by the performance of Yowisben. The high school student advised, hopefully SMAN 15 Surabaya will continue to maintain its extraordinary.
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great! don't forget to check my article and followback
So amazing, don't forget to follow and comment back my article
good job
good job
good job
So nice
So nice
Wow good job
Wow good job
Wow good job
Wow good job
Nice 1 ma friend
Thanks for your suggestion
so interesting
a great memories
Nice one!
thank you
good job shif!
Amazing! Thank you for mention me on your article! Good job, my friend!
thanks for your opinion, Evi
So cool, good job!!
Nice, good job!!
good job!
great article!
thank you, Tania
thank you, Fahira
Good job! Proud of u! I hope u will be better than this
thanks for your suggestion