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The Starry Night At Liberty 2K19

The Starry Night At Liberty 2K19

The crowd, happiness, music sound, and colorful and beautiful spotlight. The cheerful night that was very meaningful for 15 Senior High School students. It was an annual event that always celebrated every year. It was Libels Party or we called it as LIBERTY.

This event held on last friday, November 15th 2019. It was taken place in Jatim Expo or we called it JX International. The great venue hall which is fulled by a lot of people.

They really enjoyed the music which was sung by guest star. They were Reality Club, Kahitna, and Didi Kempot. Altough they had different genre of music, however they were successed to make the audiences happy and enliven this party.

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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan


Nice article

18 Nov


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