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Be A Woman? Not An Obstacle At All

Be A Woman? Not An Obstacle At All

Women are always related with valuable things and expensive existence. Because of this, there are so many rules and prohibitions must be obeyed by women. It makes them not being graceful to God because they were born as women.

In our school, 15 Senior High School or we called Libels, there is extracurricular that women can try. It goods for women who likes challanges. It called HIPPASMAS. It is natural lovers club. In this activity, we are, women will be trained as strong women.

"In Hippasmas, we learn how to create something and utilize everything we've got. We also take many exercises and do unusual sports such as wall climbing and canoeing." Said Diva, one of Hippasmas' member.

Diva said that the theory in Hippasmas is also interesting. It doesn't get bored and take challanges so that we can get many knowledges and many experiences. In Hippasmas we can also learn something that women can reach what they really want and can get the top of high of some meters above the sea.

Hippasmas also teaches us the strength for women. Hippasmas also gives women the chance to see the beautiful scenery of God creations from the top of mountain.

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Excellent, follback and commentback

01 Oct

Thank you.. I've done it

01 Oct

Wolfpack... Follback

01 Oct

Good job nannn!!

30 Sep

Great news nan, well done

07 Oct

So interesting nan

01 Oct


01 Oct

Thank you.. What a pity you are wkwkwk

01 Oct

Woww nicee

01 Oct

So amazing, don't forget to follback

01 Oct

Thank you.. I've done it

01 Oct

So amazing, don't forget to follow and comment back my article

04 Oct


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