Amazing Performance of Extracurricular in Liberty 2k19
LIBERTY 2k19 is an art performance event held by students of SMAN 15 Surabaya with the aim of introducing of extracurricular activities to the society and community so that is increasingly known. Various Extracurricular appearances at Liberty are Karawitan, Saman Dance, Angklung, Kolintang and Javanese Dance.
The event which was held at J-EXPO Surabaya International, also invited many famous guest stars so that the public would be more interested to come and join at LIBERTY. The guest stars are the Reality Club, Kahitna, and Didi Kempot, so peoples very excited to come at Liberty. This is proven from the enthusiasm of the peoples who came to this event to be able to reach thousands of audience.
Each extracurricular also tried to show their best performance. One of them is Saman Dance or commonly known as a Saman Queen. They focused on their performance as their last appearance before they give their legacy to the next generation because they were focused on 12th grade. Besides, they also want to make the best performance as their last performance on stage and make the audience memorable and entertained.
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