Take a Peek at The Food in SMAN 15 Surabaya Canteen!
Schools certainly would not be complete without a canteen. Likewise in SMAN 15 Surabaya. The canteen located at the back of the school is close to the mosque and library. The place is spacious, bright, clean, and of course the most important, there are many kinds of food! Then, what kind of food?
There are a variety of food variants, especially snacks and rice and side dishes. Starting from the traditional ones to those who are not inferior to your favorite restaurants. Starting from the soup, like there are soto rice, vegetable soup, noodles, and meatballs. Various kinds of chicken rice are also found in this SMAN 15 canteen, namely yellow spiced chicken rice, black pepper chicken rice, geprek chicken rice, sweet and sour sauce chicken, mayonise chicken.
Also there are foods that taste no less than fast food restaurants, such as spaghetti, macaroni cheese and fried chicken. The types of food are very diverse because there are 11 different seller stands.
"The food in the canteen is very tasty and a lot. We also will not be bored with the taste," said Yoana, one of the 15 high school students.
For the matter of taste, of course there is no need to doubt. Cleanliness is also guaranteed and can be purchased at prices that do not drain the bag. The price of each portion ranges from Rp. 7,000.00 - Rp. 10,000.00. Of course it fits in the pockets of students right? Very satisfying isn't the food in the canteen of SMAN 15 Surabaya? and of course delicious food will make us happy
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Very good!!
thankyouu anggi!
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So amazing, don't forget to follow and comment back my article
thankyouu risda :)
So amazing, don't forget to follow and comment back my article
hbd muthia
thankyou bella
hbd chacil
Woww, so delicious
thankyou finda
Seems delicious
you must try it!
wow amazing
thatsss it!
So hungry
big thx
thankyouu nisyy
thankyou raraa
thankyouu love
Matapancing , yesss!
libels yes we can!
Libels cling!
make me feel hungry
you always feel hungry everytime, anywhere