Muhammad Ashari Libels

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LIBELS PARTY 2k19 : The Action Never Betray The Result

LIBELS PARTY 2k19 : The Action Never Betray The Result

Libels Party 2k19 : AETHEREALM, the most unexpected biggest party in Surabaya is our last project in this year. Unexpected? Why? Because when we made the concept, we are very confused and considerating how to make this our last event unforgotable. Many people was underestimating our event, becasue our guest star are old and unknonwn. Then they regret for underestimating our succesfull of this event.

July 2019, first time for us (OSIS MPK LIBELS) to make a concept for libels party 2019. We confused how to make this year libels party can more marvelous than previous years. Last year had a great concept thats why we should have better concept and make more special in this year. Finally we got some great concept and unbeliveable guest star from our Chief Executive (Sadam Bagaswara). Next we choose the date,next month we start to work for our project.

15th November 2019. We have arrive at our final day, which today is the day to prove the successfull of our struggle for several months. We should to prove what we fight on this event can be great. Libels Party 2019 Open Gate at 15.00 and started with 2nd place Band Competition. Our guest star will be perform at 20.00 thats why we close our gate at that time. there will be a lot of performance from libels Extracurricular. For example we have anabel, Belstrada and others.

Reality club our first guest star starts a performance with their song, SSR. The audience enjoyed with this song and start to dance follow the instrument. After fathia (Reality club's vocalist) end their performance, kahitna start with their song. Hedi yunus with his flirty try to flirting girls auidience. After that,the last guest star and everyone's idol finally start to sing along with us, Didi kempot. He performed the campursari-dangdut genre song which was loved by millennials. When performing Cendol Dawet, Sobat Ambyar really enjoyed it and danced happily.

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