What do usually hear about SMA Negri 15 Surabaya (Libels)? Libels Party? Libels Cup? LEO? Do you know whose behind of all these great events? Lets find out! OSIS-MPK SMAN 15 Surabaya is the greatest student organization in this school. This organization which present those three great events. Besides big extern events, OSIS-MPK Libels also has a lot project that useful and positive for libels's student.
Example, LDR (Libels Doyan Resik) this project makes libels's student more competitive to keep the environment clean,especially classroom environment. The cleanest classroom environment, get white flag that sign for 'Kelas Terbersih' and dirtiest classroom environment get black flag that sign for 'Kelas terkotor'.
Not only work projects, OSIS-MPK Libels also has a vision that sure can make SMAN 15 Surabaya proud. One of Division coordinator said "As our dedication to school, we want to upgrade our school's quality also we want to make our school as a references for other school" The school also want OSIS-MPK Libels has high cooperative and high competitive spirit with other school and, they want OSIS MPK Libels able to make our school better. As a student SMAN 15 Surabaya, we wish this organization able to make and present project better. And also we want OSIS MPK Libels to help us study better at school.
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good article!
Great job
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Good article , don't forget to follback and comment
gj su
dafa iku
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Wow amazing!!!
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Nice article