Monicsy F.H. Libels

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Another Realm in Liberty

Another Realm in Liberty

Friday, November 15, 2019 East Java expo broke out on the appearance of a reality club, Kahitna, and Didi Kempot in Liberty. the event that was held this year was the event that was awaited by the citizens of libels. there are many performances from extracurricular extracurricular activities at SMAN 15 Surabaya and outside of school.

That night, Liberty opened with a reality club appearance, many millennials sang to the indie music.

Then proceed with kahitna appearance, the atmosphere broke out when one of the personnel invited an audience to the stage, when on the stage a woman named tetha, like a person who could be hugged, articulated, and kissed. "Mau dikatakan apa lagi kita tak akan pernah satu ..." so a bit of lyrics that made the appearance of kahitna very riveting that night, womenfolk seemed to be carried away and the appearance was closed with beautiful songs that made the atmosphere more lively. The last performance was closed by our main guest star, Didi Kempot, all groups, both young and old, really 'ambyar' because of the typical Javanese keroncong music that made it cool to sway. "... cendol dawet piro? terus, gak pake ketan ji ro lu pat limo enem pito wolu tak gintakgintak tak gintak gintak" lyrics that made the audience sway more.

Besides the stunning appearance of the guest star, in the back there are many food booths filling our stomachs and the prices are also affordable, hopefully next year's Liberty will be more amazing guys.

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