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The Best Lada Hitam In the Town

The Best Lada Hitam In the Town

Lada Hitam or usually known as Black pepper sauce chicken is one of the famous food that can be found at SMA 15 Surabaya’s canteen bu Sai especially at bu Sai kitchen . This food contains small pieces of fried chicken with black pepper sauce and commonly served with white rice that can make your tongue and your stomach satisfied.

Lada hitam is a comfort food for stundent because it has cheap price can fill stundet’s stomach for a while. Because many stundent wants Lada hitam, it usually sold out even break time is’nt over yet.Therefore you have to go to canteen as soon as possible or you can order to Bu Sai first before it gets sold out.

Beside that, you can also buy drinks, snacks, and any other food at Bu Sai kitchen. Many Student would like to buy some food Bu Sai kitchen especially our friends from XII-7 called Udin. Udin usually buy Lada hitam when break time “ This food is so good, but sometime little hot, Also Bu Sai is good person, She usually give discount to me because I always buy her food. I can take away Lada hitam and eat at class but I frequently eat at the canteen”, he said.

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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan


good, follback

02 Oct

So amazing, don't forget to follow and comment back my article

02 Oct

Nice , follback and comment

06 Oct

im hungry now

02 Oct


02 Oct

Hmm, so delicious!

08 Oct

Looting every day

02 Oct

So delicious

02 Oct

what is this for me ?

01 Oct

Looks so gorgeous!!

02 Oct

You take the buff

02 Oct

Nice article!!! Bu sai lada hitam is very delicious

02 Oct

Roses are red Violets are blue This article is so bad Oops, i didn't mean to

02 Oct


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