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Kahitna At Liberty 2k19

Kahitna At Liberty 2k19

"Kahitna" is a music group formed on 24th June 1986, Bandung Indonesia.Kahitna's is led by Yovie Widianto as Pianist and keyboard. Kahitna known has some popular romantic song like "Cantik" and "Mantan Terindah". Hedi Yunus,Carlo Saba, and Mario Ginanjar as Kahitna's vocalist that has great voice.

Even tough Kahitna is an old music group but Millenials still love their songs. As you can see at Liberty 2k19 there are a lot of Kahitna's fans want to sing along with kahitna especially when the last song called "Cantik" sung by kahitna everybody also sing along with them, and the hype was so intense that time. Event that held by SMA 15 Surabaya usually known as Libels succeessfully makes kahitna's performance really great from audio, lighting, and other stage needs

At Liberty you also can see other performance from another artist such as Didi Kempot and Reality Club that also make outstanding perfomance

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