Surabaya — Libels Party, abbreviated as Liberty, is an art performance held by SMAN 15 Surabaya. This program is intended for external and internal students of SMAN 15 Surabaya itself.
Liberty began in 2k12 and continues until 2k19. This year, Liberty 2k19 is themed Aetherealm. According to Daniella Evita, as Deputy Chairperson of Liberty 2k19 the theme of Aetherealm means the world of fantasy. "The world above the perfect sky is like the perfection of the world is limited to motivation or fantasy." said Ella.
Liberty 2k19, inviting guest stars instead namely; Reality Club, Kahitna and Didi Kempot. Liberty 2019 deliberately gathered Cross-Generational Musicians. "Usually the target market of art performance of senior high schools is teenagers, but this time Liberty invite all generations to have fun at Libels Party 2019" Said Dimas Sandhi as the Commitee Liberty 2019.
The Reality Club as 3rd Guest Star at Liberty 2019. Jakarta-based indie rock band opened spectacularly. Then, Kahitna with the legendary song Kau tak akan Terganti, managed to make the audience carried away when they bring the song. At the end of the event, it was closed by Didi Kempot or commonly called The God Father of Broken Heart, with a song Pamer Bojo inviting all audiences to Ambyar.
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