What? You don't know what Liberty is?
Who does not know what Liberty is (Libels Party) ??
Of course all of you already know a lot about the event. Especially you residents of libels must know about Liberty, hehe.
Yup this is a grand event that is only held once a year. This event involved all school members in their participation. This is also the highlight of the Student Council Libels, especially for those who are already 12th grade.
What's the fun in this Liberty event?
So this event is an event for all Libels students to show their talent in the arts. Not only are Libels students participating, artists from outside parties can also participate, namely through competitions held by the committee. The art that is presented is also diverse, not only art, from singing to traditional music. Really this event presents an interesting art for its lovers.
That's all there is? Certainly not.
There are many things in this event, one of which is no less cool, namely the mural art exhibition of every class in Libels. This mural presents a very epic and beautiful art picture. It is really cool that Libels students.
Well, what is usually awaited by visitors is of course the appearance of the guest stars who are invited to participate in the event. Surely the guest invited will not be haphazard. Usually from among the top artists and also his rising career. The committee is indeed great in determining the guest stars who will appear at this event.
Of course the visitors need not worry there. Complete and adequate facilities. There are many delicious food stands there. The visitors were also treated to drinks by the committee.
Merchandise? Of course there are
For those of you who hunt for official merchandise, you don't need to worry about that. The committee has provided Liberty 2K19 official merchandise this time. Various merchandise provided by the committee, ranging from key chains to totebag with the Liberty logo. Of course you don't need to worry about that.
Relax, you guys who missed this year's event don't worry. Next year there will also be more interesting things, of course. Just keep abreast of developments in the information so that you don't miss it again. See you next year.
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