The Greatness of Liberty
Senior High School 15 Surabaya one of the best and dream schools in Surabaya, always showing the best and interesting things either from the achievements of students or the results of their activities. Some examples of interesting activities from Senior High School 15 students are Libels Cup and Liberty.
Liberty, the latest activity held by Senior High School 15. Activities that are always eagerly awaited by students and also the community around Surabaya in particular. Because it is indeed one of the activities that always displays an attractive appearance and guest star.
Last Friday on November 15, 2019 at the East Java International Expo Hall, Liberty was held. This time Liberty invited 3 guest stars namely Reality Club, Kahitna, and Didi Kempot. The last guest star was quite shocking at the start of the announcement about who the current guest star was. Because it is considered unsuitable for young people especially this is an event created by high school students.
But with consideration and strong conviction, the committee still retains the name of Didi Kempot. The results did not disappoint many people who bought Liberty tickets. Initial estimates predict Liberty will be full of adults who are interested in Didi Kempot, apparently not. Because there are also many young people from other schools around Surabaya who come to see, although there are still more adults.
The conditions at JX International Hall where Liberty took place were very crowded. Parking area space provided at JX is also inadequate for guests. So there is a wild parking lot outside JX which is widely used and people are making traffic jams. When liberty starts at 8 pm starting from the first guest star, Reality Club, the conditions are already very crowded because there are a lot of fans.
Culminating in the last Guest Star, Didi Kempot, the atmosphere became even more excited, especially when he sang the song "Pamer Bojo". Liberty this time is very interesting and crowded. But this time liberty is also the last Liberty for class 12 to graduate next year. At liberty this time there was also bad news that some people lost cellphones. From the news of loss there were 8 people who lost cellphones. Henceforth the security forces must be even more stringent and the visitors must pay more attention to their luggage. And just wait for the next Liberty that will display better and more interesting. Keep Fighting!
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Great !!
Wow bct
Wow bct