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Senior High School 15 Surabaya is one of the best schools in Surabaya. Have adequate facilities such as classrooms using ac, computer rooms, fields, canteens, cooperatives, etc. These adequate facilities make students comfortable because their needs are met and become one of the favorite places after the canteen to buys some snacks is kobasis

Cooperative (kobasis) is a legal entity established based on kinship and the main purpose of the Kobasis in this School is to meet the needs of students and teachers in the school. This cooperative is open according to the effective day of the school, Monday to Friday, 07.00-14.00. The conditions in this cooperative are very crowded with buyers because of limited space, Mrs. Endang and Mr. Nanang, as sellers in Kobasis, can serve buyers who are students or teachers well.

This crowded condition is not without reason because the Kobasis can provide needs of buyers such as snacks, ice cream, photocopies, textbooks, paper, food, drinks, etc. One of the favorite foods / snacks that make buyers crowded is Tahu Bakso. This food so tasty so it makes buyers want to continue to buy.

Because to meet the needs of many buyers, can certainly consume inventory needs. And Mrs. Endang does not want to be quickly satisfied because his merchandise sells. She immediately re-supplied merchandise that had been sold from out of school to meet the needs and resale

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