"Salam Sobat Ambyar"
"Let us bring you to a different dimension, the clear sky; the upper regions of the water beyond the clouds, extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world. Come join us because we will give you the best night ever !! " So is the description of this event.
SURABAYA - Stage grand, cool guest star, and the bazaar is okay to be a complete package at this school art performance. It's beyond expectation anyway!
On Saturday (11/15/2019) Libels-the nickname of SMAN 15 Surabaya answered through the annual art performance of the Libels Party school or commonly called Liberty at the Jatim Expo International Convention Hall Surabaya with the theme "Aetherealm", which nuanced in fantasy and the game was successful in making the audience stunned by the concept of a super-duper cool event.
Last year, we invited 4 guest stars, Endah N Rhesa, Ardhito Pramono, Adithia Sofyan, and once. And this year our school invited Reality Club,Kahitna and Didi Kempot. All three guest stars have different musical characters. So that the attendants will not feel bored. while watching this concert. In addition, liberty was also enlivened by Libels Extracurricular including Libero band, Supercluster band, Annabel, Saman Queen, Traditional Dance, musical performances to performances of bands and solo singers who have been selected through band and solo competitions.
There visitors can not only enjoy music offerings, but also provided Photobooth, Medpart, Food Festival and Friday Market that sell outfits "interesting present. Then, Liberty also displays the works of children's Libels as a contest to make murals on plywood to display as decoration building.
Kahitna's appearance swept the audience into her songs which made the atmosphere bring a feeling , reality club was no less good even though they were a new band they were able to make the audience happy with its flagship song.
Eits, the colorful lighting game also really spoiled visitors. lastly by Didi Kempot who succeeded in closing the evening's event with his songs that were clever and jerking. He brought the campursari song a little dangdut nuance that was able to make the audience "ambyar" to dance because they really enjoyed it. Liberty 2k19 was really held with a slick by diverting dialogue across generations.Proud of you all the citizens of Libels ranging from students, teachers, especially the liberty committee who were able to succeed this event very well. Good Job, Libels.
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