Our Religious School
Sholat check log program is a new program implemented in SMAN 15 Surabaya. What is sholat check log program? Sholat check log program is school effort to improve the discipline of students, especially in spiritual aspect. How is the process of implementing this program? All of the students must put their finger in fingerprint scanner after pray to completing their solat presence. What the purpose of this program? This program is implemented with the aim to train and also make students pray on time.
According to Mr. Adi, one of the religion teachers, this program was proposed by all of the islamic religion teachers and received full support from the school. Mr. Adi also said that this program had been planned since the beginning of the new school year, but it was carried out one month ago, precisely on September 1st, 2019. Regarding the methods used in the process of implementing this program, namely with the help of a fingerprint scanner. The method is considered quite efficient in supporting the process of implementing the program.The program which is expected to have a good influence on the lifestyle of students in this school gets a variety of responses from students, positive and negative responses. Some of those who gave positive response towards the implementation of this program revealed that this program had a positive influence on the formation of morals in each individual. But not a few also gave a negative response to the implementation of this program. Apart from various responses regarding this program, Mr. Adi said that he would continue to evaluate and see any developments related to this program. He said that this program would be carried out well and be able to improve the discipline of students, also provide positive change for students of SMAN 15 Surabaya.
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thank you ris!
thank you so much syah!
thank you syah!
very good! awesome
thak you freeze!
thank you so much fil!
Knock, knock , you have been visited by The guest of honor. Rated 5 out of 5. Keep up the good work!
supportive deskmate! thank you!
Knock, knock , you have been visited by The guest of honor. Rated 5 out of 5. Keep up the good work!
This article is so nice and gives me new information too. Good job, my friend!
Good job
thank you rin!
good job!!
thank you shaf!❤
Gorgeous beb
thank you bung!
Wow! Amazing! Good job, cwiin!
thank you for your compliment pwi!❤
So cool!!
thank you min!
Nice, good job!!!
thank you wan!
thank you wan!
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thank you so much dek hanum!❤