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Liberty 2k19: Aetherealm

Liberty 2k19: Aetherealm

Libels party is an art performance event from SMAN 15 Surabaya, which is always held every year. The event, known as "Liberty", is one of the mandatory events to be visited, because this event is known as an amazing art performance.

Liberty 2k19 was held on Friday, November 15th 2019, at the Jatim Expo International Hall. Different from the previous year, this time Liberty was brought up with a unique theme, namely Aetherealm. Aetherealm means a magnificent world beyond the sky. The theme is packed very nicely, illustrated in terms of ticket appearance, the concept of the stage, and also the atmosphere when we were there.

The event was enlivened by 3 famous guest stars namely, Reality Club, Kahitna, and Didi Kempot. With these 3 guest star, we will get different vibe in each guest star performance, because each has a different genre of music. Therefore, this event took place very lively and managed to provide a pleasant experience for anyone who attended. This is shown from the vibe and excitement of all the audience present.

Why does Liberty become one of the events that must be attended? Of course, because by attending Liberty, you can get an unforgettable experience. Liberty can be a means to meet some of your old friends, spend time with beloved family, and also invite couple to go on a date. Therefore, don't miss Liberty next year! See you soon at Liberty 2k20!

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