Too Many Student's Achievement In Libels
Too many student's achievement in Libels, every week after flag ceremony always announced every student achievement, like traditional dance which almost every week wins the championship, and some have won world championships, who won the world championship?,they are LIVO(Libels Voice).
And I have interviewed one of the LIVO members, his name is Natanael Bhaskara, his said they can win world championship because they work hard and pratice extra every day, they join world championship on April at Budapest and the result they were able to win three gold medals in the categories of folklore,mixyouth,equal, and they were the only representatives of Asia.
They are a lot of student's achievements in Libels,from individuals and groups, and they are student's who carry the name of their school, Libels.
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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan
good, follback
Follback comment back lukkk
good job
^o^ LIBELS is The Best
Wow my face revealed aokwkwk
Good job
Good job
interesting in the second pict wkwk
Much! Much!
Wow so amazing
great work
Nice one
great article!
Such a great article