Libels Party 2k19 goes on Ambyar
The annual art performance Libels senior high school or so-called Liberty (Libels Party) took place lively and successful, with the theme of Aetherealm Liberty successfully capturing the hearts of the citizens of Surabaya.
By inviting the Reality Club, Kahitna, and Didi Kempot, many soulmates and Sobat Ambyar arrive, presale tickets and even VIPs are sold out, opened by Reality Club, the audience immediately looks for the foremost place, then Kahitna which makes the audience brought feelings, and is closed by the Good Father of Brokenheart (Didi Kempot) which makes the audience sway happily.
The Liberty 2k19 event was quite successful and made Surabaya residents Ambyar, the affordable ticket prices made Surabaya residents enthusiastic watching the Liberty 2k19 event.
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