LEO isn't just an Ordinary Olympic
LEO is annual event hosted by student council of SMAN 15 Surabaya and it's called by Libels. This event is for Junior High School students. The main purpose is to introduce libels to them and train the Junior High School students to compete and being capable with the hard questions."What makes LEO different from other Senior High School's Olympic is they put a game at each stage of it. For example is on English subject , there is held a game the students must look for words in some place at Libels area," Said Yoyon. This is one of the way that makes the olympic fun and memorable.And to make it even more fun, the students that participating in LEO will get some merchandises. They are memopad,pin,and totebag. Beside that,in every subject the question is varying . Some of them are easy and some of them are hard to solve. And the subjects tested at LEO are Mathematics,Science,English,and General Science.
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good, follback
good job, lucy
nice one luc
Awesome sist:)
Nice one, keep on going :)
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jgn lupa follow dan mampir artikel sy
Good my friend
Wow keren
Knock, knock , you have been visited by The guest of honor. Rated 5 out of 5. Keep up the good work!
I miss leo
good, dudee!!
good, dudee!!
Guudd uciii
Great article! Would you please follback? and Please check mine too, and kindly leave a comment. Thanks!✨
mampir ke artikel saya ya :))
Nice article Lucc