The Canteen In My School
Every school has a school canteen. What is school canteen? It's a place where u can buy any kind of foods, drinks, snacks, ETC. So when you don't bring a foods from home, you can buy in there.
My school canteen is located in the back of my school, it's very big and also have any kinds of foods and drinks. We pay with the coupon system, the students have to buying a coupon if they want to buy something in there.
During the lunch hour, canteen always full with students, many students come there to have their food, and sometimes canteen getting overload. But there's a lot table and chair on it, so we can eat and drink in there or just takeaway.
My school canteen has any kinds of things. You can get snacks, food, drinks, even non-food things like tissue are provided. The taste is also very delicious and the price is affordable for students.
" when I got hungry I always go to school's canteen, there's a lot of things like snacks or drink, and price is also affordable too " said Reni, the 12 science 6 students.
The cooks of the canteen are very nice and they make sure that we students get the best food. The seller's so kinds too, they like to make a conversation with us.
Even on special occasions or get together, the canteen provides food for the students and staff participating in the occasion or get together. It is really great to have a canteen in the premises of the school and to get good and tasty food, when we want.

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good, follback
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nyam nyamm
So interesting!
So interesting!
Good job
don't forget to pay wkwk
kidding, lovely article!
Good job!
Bu sai is my favorite wkwk
I want to be fat!
nice information
So amazing, don't forget to follback me
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Reni is a good student. Always goes to canteen whenever she feels hungry
my favorite place at school
my favorite place in school
Wow, good job!
C'est Genial!
nice article