Libels Party 2k19
So last Friday (15 November 2019), there was a music and art festival event held by SMAN 15 Surabaya that called Libels Party 2k19 a.k.a LIBERTY 2K19. Liberty 2k19 was taking place in JX International Conventional Center, they're invited 3 guest star, Reality Club, Kahitna, and Didi Kempot.
Open gate starts from 16.00 pm, Dan close at 20.00 pm. The first performances from Solo Vocal and Band Competition winners, and continue with extracurricular Libels, Libero Band, Supercluster Band, Reality Club, Kahitna, and finished with Didi kempot.
In the event, there's a lot of food festival, Sunday market, and photobooth too. I bought some coffee and took a photo in there, I went to Liberty 2k19 with my friends class, and also we took a photo together.
The events was open for the public, not only from my school, but a lot of people was coming and enjoy the event. I met my friends from junior high school too. Liberty 2k19 was fulled by people who are enjoying the show.
I really love kahitna, when kahitna go to the stage and start singing, I scream and cry at the same time. I enjoy the show really well, I don't really know Reality Club, but I like one of their songs. The song is called "is it the answers" I dance and sing with that song.
And the final is from Didi Kempot, people start to dance and some of them were taking off their shirt, Didi Kempot is an 'Ambyar' singer, many of his songs are so good and related with teenagers Life. U must listen and understand his lyrics.
The events ended at 11.30 p.m, but there many of phone was gone, it's so dangerous if u don't be careful with your own things. So, tips from me, always protect ur things and be careful with people in there.
That's all from me, I really enjoyed the show of Liberty 2k19, and also this is my last year of high school students, so next year I hope I can watch Liberty 2k19 again.
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