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Libels no need to be shy anymore

Libels no need to be shy anymore

Sman 15 surabaya 2019, now it is more beautiful and cool because of the flowers and the small garden which adds its own impression in this school. From data quoted in 2016 on YouTube. This school was once very arid and unsightly from the front. But this year a lot of planting was done.

Not only that the cafeteria used to be very untidy and dirty. Now transformed into a clean, beautiful and neat. "Surabaya 15 Surabaya is cleaner. Because the canteen used to be very ugly, disorganized, now it's clean, because every day it is always swept by outsourcers," commented from Mrs. Lastri, teacher.

So for students or prospective students who want high school 15 Surabaya, you don't need to be embarrassed anymore and now you have to feel proud to be able to enter this school

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Ready, ready, aready!

27 Sep


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