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me and my pets

me and my pets

Hi my name is Annie; I have a pet dog named Lol because she always laughs! One day me and lol have a playdate with my friends so I prepare to go and she also prepared for the dog to after that they went to PIK as soon we got there,

there is a place with wite sand a lot of sand we played a lot in there we play tag to, we had so much fun in there and before that we ate sushi. We took lots of picture in the PIK. When we are thirsty, we drank soda because eats very hot when we go down stairs we play on the swing and collected some rocks we go back upstairs to play tag but lulu is just playing her phone all the time, so we said to lulu’s mom so she can say “Lulu! Stop holding phone” but it failed so we played together without Lulu, Lulu finally put her phone away and play with us, after we play on the beach, we play in fun world we played so much games in there we played until we got 300 ticket and we did and I got the most point because I still has left overs.

After we play, we eat dinner, the dinner is so tasty. In dinner we eat ramen, the ramen had BBQ. It tastes really good, while eating me and Lulu are doing our lesson apps. We played after we are done with the apps, we played wordsearch and toca boca. We went home after we eat, I really want that to happen again.

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