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Party, A Day Before Hectic Weekend

Party, A Day Before Hectic Weekend

Friday, 15 November 2019, It was the last day of the learning activities in my school this week. It started at 7 in the morning in subject of English that I and my classmates explained our articles uploaded to the website Sasisabu, until Mathematics class at midday. In English class I got homework, this article will be. I have to make an article about my school’s event, namely Liberty. As I knew before, I should study because the weekend would be very dizzying. I faced an Olympiad Competition called Medspin, held by Faculty of Medicine Airlangga University. So, this article won’t just talking about my experience in the crazy funny Liberty while me as the last year senior high school student.

Liberty stands for Libels Party. You might be thought to Liberty Statue in New York. No, it is different. Liberty is an annual event held in Jatim International Expo Surabaya on 15 November 2019 by SMA Negeri 15 Surabaya. This great event was extremely wonderful for me. Theme for this year is Aetherealm. “Aetherealm” comes from 3 words; aether, ethereal, and realm. That means a magnificent world beyond the sky. Guest stars of Liberty were Reality Club, Kahitna, and Didi Kempot, all is my favorites. Liberty have subevent, the one is internal event, Libels Cover. Band Competition and Solo Vocal, the both is external event. The first and second place winner would be performed in Liberty.

After Friday school activities had finished, I went back home. Then, I prepared for tonight. I intended studying there tonight in the middle of crowd so that I brought some pieces of paper, pen, notebook, and definitely my smartphone as the material sources. After being prepared, I had time to taka a nap for an hour. Before I left home, I had lunch. I didn’t go directly to Jatim Expo, but I first gathered with my friends in front of my school. We was riding motorcyles carefully while we went together there.

We arrived exactly at 6 pm. There we had fun all evening and I felt the wondrous hype. I was being fascinated by the atmosphere. Early performances was from talented students of SMAN 15, there were Saman Queen, other Traditional Dance, Anabel, Livo, etc. While they showed, we was just strolling to every stands (booths). Looking for merchandises, stickers, clothes, souvenirs, foods, beverages and many others. There were also photobooth that we could save this valuable memorable moments by taking picture. After a long time I couldn’t wait for, the first guest star, Reality Club, performed their song. I very like the song “Is It The Answer”. The second was Kahitna who give us chills with their captivating and iconic songs, mainly “Cantik”. Although most of the songs contains love themes in lyrics, the group is also well known to be able to combine element of other music genres such as jazz, pop, fusion, latin and even traditional music. And the last performance was being enlivened by Didi Kempot. He is from Central Java can be inspirational person for me as Sobat Ambyar. The “Campursari” songs of him are so awesome. The Popular song nowadays is “Pamer Bojo”. In every song of him, I always danced crazy and funny with all the audiences.

In midnight, after party, we went to have dinner. We were looking for the restaurant. Then finally, we found angkringan. I just ate Tahu Tek and drink Iced Tea. We felt sleepy and went to the nearby home of one of us. I only took one and a half hours of sleep because I have to prepare for tomorrow. In my opinion, I should study hard for the olympiad, but beside I don’t want to skip over this moment.
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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan


Kak.. ini kok semuanya nama blakang nya Libels Bersaudara kah kak?

29 Jan


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