Liberty 2k19 : Sensational Party from Libels
Liberty is annual event that held by OSIS SMAN 15 SURABAYA. Liberty is event to show the talent of SMAN 15 SURABAYA's students like karawitan, saman, band, etc. OSIS SMAN 15 SURABAYA also held band and Solo Vocal Competition and the winner will performance in Liberty 2k19. Beside that Liberty also invite famous singer to be guest stars in this event. For this year, Liberty invite Reality Club, Kahitna, and Didi Kempot. Because of three guest stars, Liberty 2k19 is very crowded, thousand people from young to adult participate in this event. The consequences is if you come lately you will difficult to park your vehicles even if you drive a car you will walk hundred meters to reach the venue.
Liberty 2k19 open by performance from the winner of band and solo vocal competition. After that Libels'students show their talents in the stage. They perfom karawitan, saman, band etc very well and get appaluse from the visitor. Then, three guest stars perform alternately, star from reality club and Liberty 2k19 closed by Didi Kempot. The visitor look enjoyed after Liberty and they look satisfied with the performance of three gues stars.
"Liberty 2k19 is sensational" Dimas Sandhi on of the commitee of Liberty 2k19 said. "I never expected before" he added. "Our hardwork paid by visitor satisfaction, i'm very proud can be commitee of this event, i hope the next liberty will more crowded and more sensational. "

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Nice !!
Nice !!