Kayla Raditya

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How Can We Love Reading a Book?

How Can We Love Reading a Book?

How can we love reading a book ?

Everyone surely knows books and I think one of the people who read this, likes to read some books. Actually I like it tho. Because books always give me some inspiration. Either the inspiration makes me enjoy my life more or the inspiration makes me more diligent to read or write some books.

But, not all people in Indonesia like to read a book. Most of them think that read a book isn't good and makes them feel bored. They prefer to watch a movie, play on their phone, and other things that I think it’s not better than reading a book.

Here, I”ll show you about how important books are and how to love to read books. By the way, it’s been a long time for me knowing that Indonesian children don’t like to read books and even though books have so many utilities. And I know this problem can be solved if we as Indonesian Children start to read a book!

“That’s difficult, from the beginning I don’t like it!”

Well, first of all before you want to be a book reader you must know how useful books are. In Indonesia books play an important role as “Jendela Dunia”.

I agree with it. And the second,book makes us smarter than before. If we read a book, surely we get more information and inspiration. So, that’s why we can be smarter than before!

And the third one is that books make our brains better and can think more far and far than before. Wow! That’s real guys! Everyone has been reading books and yaz they can think more better than before!

Actually books have so many utilities in our life. But, mostly in above, hihi! You can search it on the internet, and there’ll be so many book utilities!

How can we start to read books ?

We can start from choosing the right book. Wait, how can we choose the right book? We can choose from a genre that we like. Example, you like to watch a horror movie or listen to a podcast horror. Nah! From something that you like, you can find it in books! Either your favourite genre is rare to find, exactly you can find it in a book! And that’s very interesting! Believe me!

The second is to start reading a book that has little pages. Because if you start reading a book that has so many pages, it would make you feel bored. It’s okay, there’s no one who would judge you if you read little pages. Start from reading little pages and after a long time, you will be used to reading so many pages of a book in a day.

Remember, the important one is our consistency, not how many pages that we readed in a day. You can read it just 1-5 pages in a day, but you must do it consistently! We can make a target for reading consistently in 15 days! In 15 days you can read a book nonstop with many kinds of books. We can read a new genre, so that we will increase our imagination.

That’s very interesting, right? Let’s read a book to make Indonesian children like us, like to read a book! Thanks for reading my article! Spirit for reading a book and don’t stop to read as long as we can read! We as Indonesian Children must love reading a book!

Salam literasi!

Haii! Namaku Kayla Raditya Ramadhani, biasa dipanggil Kayla. Aku lahir di Grobogan pada 07 Oktober 2007. Kini aku adalah seorang siswi yang bersekolah di SMP Negeri 1 Purwodadi. Aku memiliki hobi seperti bermain piano, memanah, membaca buku, dan menulis cerita. Cita-citaku menjadi diplomat. Untuk info lebih lanjut, yuk mampir ke instagramku! @/kaylaaradityaa

Terima kasiih!!

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