The 'Unfinished' Mural
What do you think about that thumbnail? Unfinished mural? A faded mural causes by water? If you think like that you’re right. This mural was unfinished yet. This mural was faded causes by water but there is something you need to know about this mural is we didn’t have enough time to did this competition. By the way, this mural is contested in February 2019.
Dimas, as one of the painter said, “Our mural is not 100% finished causes by we confused about the design but at the same time the deadline to submit the design is that day, so we designed as good as we can.” He also said that on the day that they must be worked the wall, there are a lot of his friends can’t came with some reason. Because of that, he don’t really hope that his mural can win the competition.
One thing you need to know, behind the deficiencies there must be advantages. Maybe we don’t win the competition, we don’t finished the mural. But there is something make proud of it. Do you want to know?
Many people take a photo in our mural. Yes, many people take a photo in that ‘unfinished’ mural. When I ask why the take photo in there? The answer is because the mural have a good vibes, happy vibes, and aesthetic enough. Such a honour to hear that as one of the team that made the mural.
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So amazing, don't forget to follow and comment back my article
wow so cool man!
Good job!!
Good job
Nice broo
wowww tuyul!!!
great article
Is a beaufitul broo !!!
Good job !!!
Is a beaufitul broo !!!
Nice Ka! Keep it up!
good jobcok
Woww so amazing!
Wow amazing
Nice! Such a great article!!! Don't forget to comment on my article too
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