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Source of Friday Night Jam
The audience of LIBERTY 2K19

Source of Friday Night Jam

What’s good people! did you ever hear about LIBERTY? Liberty is the event of students from SMAN 15 Surabaya. This is an annual event of this school. Every year there are many artists invited to this event. In this event we not just invite artists, we also perform the extracurricular of the school. There are many extracurricular performed their skill. For example, there is anabel performed a traditional music instrument called Kolintang.

This year, the event held on November 15. The event started at 4 p.m. but the gate opened at 3 p.m. until 6 p.m. for student of SMAN 15 Surabaya and 8 p.m. for external. Based from my experience, this year I apply to joined the committee of this event. I am joined to transportation division. My duty on this division is to pick up and drop off Didi Kempot and his crew.

For pick up and drop off Didi Kempot and his crew, there are 3 cars. Me and my friends, Hazel and Wisnu picked up Didi Kempot and his crew. We have prepared 2 Innova for Didi Kempot and his crew, and 1 Fortuner for their luggage. The Innovas driver are Hazel and Wisnu, and I drove the Fortuner. Unfortunately, their luggage are too many, so we change the plan, the Innovas picked up the luggage and his crew, and I picked up Didi Kempot and his manager. The crew went to the venue in Jatim Expo, Didi Kempot went to hotel. After that, we took a rest for a while.

Me and my friends who picked up another artists came to the hotel. We had some meetings for the night. After that, the first who came to the venue is Reality Club and their crew at 6 p.m. and then at 7.30 p.m. Kahitna and their crew went to the venue with some of Didi Kempot's crew. And then the last one, Didi Kempot went to the venue at 8.30 p.m. We had voorijder, if we didn’t use that, from hotel to the venue can be 30 minutes until 1 hour because the traffic, but with that thing, we went to the venue just 10 minutes.

The guest stars came up to the stage at 8.15 p.m. started by Reality Club, and then Kahitna and the last performer is Didi Kempot at 11.30 p.m. After that I drove the car for Didi Kempot’s crew to the hotel, because Didi Kempot had another event on Surabaya, after he performs, he and some of his crew moved to another hotel. Because of that, the rooms who booked for Didi Kempot and his crew are empty, so we can slept on their room.

In the morning, Kahitna and some of their crew went to Jogja by train. The other crew went to Jogja by car. Because of some reasons, Yovie Widianto departed later. In fact, the driver of Yovie it's not me, the real driver was feel uncomfortable to drove the car, so I drove the car to Gubeng Baru Station bring Yovie Widianto and his manager.

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