"Aetherealm" comes from 3 words; æther, ethereal, and realm. That means a magnificent world beyond the sky. Aetherealm is a different dimension. The realm of energy. Where ghosts usually exist. It is also where power and energy is drawn from. Sounds scary?
Aetherealm is a theme carried by the annual SMAN 15 Surabaya event, Liberty 2k19. With this interesting theme, Liberty was held on November 15th, 2019, at the JX International Convention Exhibition Surabaya by inviting three interesting guest stars namely Kahitna, Didi Kempot, and Reality Club.
The event opened with performances from solo vocal competition winners, band competition winners, and performances from extracurricular Libels, such as Saman Queen, Belstrada, Karawitan, and Anabel. Also, there are epic performances from the Libero Band and Supercluster Band.
Then there was the appearance of the first guest star, Reality Club. They performed songs titled Alexandra, Elastic Hearts, Is It The Answer, and many more. They also sell their merchandise at the merchandise booth.
Next is the appearance of Kahitna. They sang their popular songs, such as Cantik, Tak Sebebas Merpati, and Mantan Terindah. The audience seemed to really enjoy and sing together, especially when the song Mantan Terindah was sung, as if they was reminiscing together. Not only that, a moment that made many people exasperated and jealous, when Kahitna invited one of the women to go on stage and sing the song Tak Sebebas Merpati together.
At the peak of the event, the appearance of the last guest star, Didi Kempot, The Godfather of Broken Heart. His songs that tell a lot about heartbreak make 'Sobat Ambyar', a term for millennial generation who likes broken-hearted songs by Didi Kempot, singing and dancing together. In fact, not a few of them carried their friends on their shoulders while dancing. When the long-awaited song was sung, which was Pamer Bojo, the Sobat Ambyar compactly sang their chant 'Cendol Dawet'. That was very interesting to hear.
"I never thought that Liberty 2k19 will be fullhouse, but it is undeniable because the guest stars are really cool and the concept is great," said Alya one of the SMAN 15 Surabaya students.
The performances of these three incredible guest stars have successfully enlivened the Liberty 2k19 event. Hopefully in the coming years, Liberty can invite more guest stars that are no less interesting and can also carry other creative themes.
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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan
Amazing article !!!
amazing event! can't wait for liberty next year:)
Nice article
Liberty 2019 was really amazing! I'm really looking forward for the next liberty!
this event really made my day
That was an amazing show!
So amazing, don't forget to follback and read my article. Thank you
I'm looking forward to Liberty next year
That's interesting party!
Very Interesting!
Can’t wait for liberty next year
amazinggg waaw
spectacullar event!
I came to liberty 2 days ago , but i did not meet you
Wow! That's so spectacular!!
Good article
Good article
oh noo, i'm so scary
such a great party
I agree with all these comments
amazing spiderman!!
Ghost! So scaryyyy
seems like from year to year this liberty event always improve in many scales, I can't wait to see what is going to be next theme!
Good article, also the event!