Ms. Santi The Art Of Counseling
" Vision, action, passion get on". This is the motto that this person hold in her life. Yap, Ms. Nurmala Hayati also known as Ms. Santi is one of the counseling teacher in my school. She became a popular teacher because she has a pretty face and very smart at giving other students counseling. So, students who came to ask for her counseling, most of their problems are all solved.
In 2010, Ms. Santi starts teaching in my school by holding counseling guidance teacher title (BK) . Before, she came to my school, she managed to study in a various places. She study in her college and also being a client for a people who provided some counseling material. In addition her knowledge grow futher, she came to a place that contained with some problematics children. Yeah, that place is a child prison. Beside of studying in that place, she also giving some child counseling that help them to make a decision when they are free from the prison. More incredibly, she suceed to study at south korea and learns about korean people habbits. She feel amazed when hearing korean people says that they are study untill the late of night for their country.
The reason she became a counselor is from her Father whom also gave her inspiration. When she gives some people counseling she felt happy and a bit relaxed due to the success counseling. She also feel that giving others people counseling is a bit difficult, because she just hear, give some advices, and guide the counselee in making decision, but the counselee must decide it himself. So, when you have a problem and came to a counselor you must decide your problem by yourself.
When I ask about her motivation, she says that, " Help others change theirself to became a better person is my motivation, and i will never give up untill its done".
Thats all from me. Hope you all enjoy my thread. Sorry for the inappropriate words. Thank you, see you next time.
P.S : i didnt take her picture due to the deadline LOL
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