Jessica Fio Libels

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Sparkling Night with Liberty 2K19

Sparkling Night with Liberty 2K19

Who doesn't know liberty (libels party)? This annual event by SMA 15 Surabaya was successfully held on Friday, November 15th at JX International Expo. Carried the theme of Aetherealm, Liberty presents 2 legend guest stars namely Kahitna and Didi Kempot and 1 indie group was Reality Club.

From open gate at 4 pm to close gate at 8 pm, front street of JX was very crowded by the audience. Not only watching concerts, in the venue there are many booths, both located downstairs or upstairs. From food, drinks to photoboots are also available.

From the top floor, you could see the crowd of people who were very enthusiastic who attended this liberty. from students, ladies and gentlemen, until one family, all didn't want to miss this festive concert.

At the left side of the stage there are many mural displays. As usual, before liberty was held, the students of libels were required to make art to be exhibited to the audience during the liberty event, so they knew that students of libels students were not only outstanding but also creative.

After extraculicular performances of libels and the announcement the winners of the band competition, at 8 pm the first guest star, Reality Club, appeared to open a concert.

After that, the second guest star, Kahitna appeared brought their flagship songs, that is "Takkan Terganti, Andai Dia Tahu, Soulmate, Untukku, and Mantan Terindah" , Kahitna appearance closed with a song "Cantik".

Getting late at night, didn't make the audience more tired, instead the last guest star is the most awaited, that is Didi Kempot. All the audience who claimed to be "Sobat Ambyar (the name of the fans Didi Kempot) singing and dance happily.

"This event is very cool, it can invite legendary artists like Didi Kempot and Kahitna and schedule event were packed well and on time. The MC is also interesting, there are games with prizes. For suggestions, hopefully the committee can add more exits, so it won't be too long and full when go out" Said Algia, a university college student who were present with her families

This concert ended at around 00.00. They all came home happy and tired. The expectation, Liberty next year will showed a more exciting guest star and will be merrier than this year.

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