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The Festivity of Libels Party

The Festivity of Libels Party

Libels party or commonly known as Liberty is an annual art performance event host by SMAN 15 Surabaya. This event usually invites famous bands or singers. For example, this year, Liberty invites Reality Club, Kahitna and Didi Kempot.

The event that was held in Jatim Expo International Convention Exhibition Surabaya, November 15th 2019 looks very lively. The show opened with the appearance of the band & solo vocal competition's winner, then continues by several extracurricular activities from SMAN 15 Surabaya. Lastly, it's time for the guest stars to perform.

The first guest star is Reality Club, this group's main vocalist is Fathia Izzati who is also a youtuber. They sing a few songs and their hit song "Is It the Answer?”.

The second performer is Kahitna. When Kahitna appears, a lot of people come closer to the stage. They are enthusiastically watching the gig of the band that was formed in June 24th, 1986. Especially when the song titled "Mantan Terindah " is played. Some spectators look so immersed with the song, and even cries. Perhaps they are reminiscing about their past memories with the exes. Kahitna ended their stage with a song “Cantik”, that making the audience screams immediately.

The last artist and also the grandest performer is Didi Kempot. He is titled as the Godfather Of Broken Heart, because the majority of his songs tell about the pain of a heartbreak. He is able to make the 'Sobat Ambyar', a fandom name for Didi Kempot's fans to sing and dance together. At the end of the show, Didi kempot sing his most famous song "Pamer Bojo" while inviting two viewers who sit in the VIP section to sing along with him. Not to mention, the well-known chant "Cendol Dawet" that makes the atmosphere more vivid.

"This year's event is really worth to watch, since the guest stars comes from all ages," said Addin, one of a Libels party audience.

This year the Libels Party went smoothly and successfully. Thank you to everyone who have succeeded this event. Hopefully the next year Liberty can invite more attractive guest stars. See you on Liberty 2020.

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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan


"Is It Answer" from Reality Club is a lit!

17 Nov

Wow! That's so spectacular!!

19 Nov

Wonderful experience!

20 Nov


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