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Favorite food in canteen

Favorite food in canteen

The best selling food in the number one school canteen is fried food. All Indonesian people definitely like fried food, like kids to adults. Fried food is often the target at breakfast, lunch friends use rice, the same for stomach pangs when going home from school. In essence, fried foods must sell every hour because there is definitely someone who will buy fried foods.

Fried food was chosen of course because it tastes good. Crispy texture, familiar taste, and spicy sensation when eating fried food using petis, it's really great. There are various kinds of fried foods, ranging from the most popular ones, namely ote-ote or bala-bala, tofu contents, fried tempeh, sweet potatoes, risoles, croquettes, banana molen, cireng, cassava, and tempeh mendes or tempeh mendoan

To add to the sensation of eating fried foods, it is usually mandatory to have petis, tomato sauce, peanut sauce, or packaged chili sauce (such as ABC Sauce, Sasa, etc.). Fried foods are best eaten when it's still hot, so try not to fry too much at one time. Later, if the fried variant has run out, then, start frying again.

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So amazing, don't forget to follow and comment back my article

03 Oct

So amazing, don't forget to follow and comment back my article

04 Oct

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03 Oct

Nyam nyam

03 Oct


03 Oct

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03 Oct

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03 Oct


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